Friday, February 3, 2012

i had a dream this woman
had a baby chicken in her mouth but the egg was still intact
so the chicken was insie this black gelataneous

I looked up the dream after and
it meant dark and bad things from hell
were awaiting me :) awesome cannot wait
more bad things super excite.>!!! Woot!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I had this dream
I had my parents visting to LA
and my sister as well.
We went down to the beach
at the beach we were sitting at the edge of cliff facing the water
on a picnic table.

ALl of the sudden
two giant beasts appeared
1. a huge ass alligator of beastie proportions
and a Giant Komodo dragon
we all looked at each other
saw them
and hurried down the path
on the side the waves were crashing

then at the edge of the path near a forest
a giant bull appeared it again of enormous proportions
its feet though are of lions (claws) like
so its reall like a morph of the two but in his nose
is a big ring
we see
another path
and we go up this one its a bit sideways
but we veer left trying to get way
then a giant donkey gallops down then
attack me but its not mean its ok
and seems friendly and we walk quicly along this path..
and then poof wake up.

Monday, November 7, 2011

haunted dreams

I had a dream last nit I was in a big castle
there were all these people surrounding me
and i was running in and out i kept going up into the
attic..and this man appears...he was shifting in out of creatures

he cannot slow down..runs in and out of this room..
he was looking at me strangely and turned into a frankenstein was weird
he kept shifting in/out of monsters werwolf, vampire, creature from black lagoon every type of monster and also ones that were half beast half man.
I was trembling and i was like why are u chasing me I will kick you...
.im not dispensable you going to go down...
and he was like this is who I am again shifting into jekyll and hyde....
then I ran screaming down the hall

Thursday, July 21, 2011

crazy dream of water and shapeshifters

I had a dream . I left the campsite of my family I started swimming but a storm was coming I could see the waves approaching it was like I was in ocean yet it was a lake O approached the shore. There were all these children 6 of them. They were nice and they let me inside to clean off they ended up being totally nice. Then I was invited to a party through their family. We dressed when I got there there was a tall guy with black hair blue/green eyes ( 6 foot 3 or 4) wearing a nice shirt. I got inside the house and then I saw him and his friends shapeshift into dogs and run into the woods then they came back came over the edge of the porch that ran into the kitchen then they shapeshifted back there were like 10 of them each different dogs and each totally shapeshifting.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

blue egg

I dream I kept cracking eggs they were all blue
each one the same. some more than others.
one of them had the outline of a baby chicken
also super blue... its strange the yolk was super navy blue..


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

new species

This world is huge and overwhelming at times. I often cannot believe how many new species of fish are discovered :) . I often wish I could get a job ..away from the computer, far away from normal ( world of cities and hustle and bustle) and go deep down in the sea exploring the crevices (unknown and seeing other worlds) we haven't yet discovered :)