Thursday, July 21, 2011

crazy dream of water and shapeshifters

I had a dream . I left the campsite of my family I started swimming but a storm was coming I could see the waves approaching it was like I was in ocean yet it was a lake O approached the shore. There were all these children 6 of them. They were nice and they let me inside to clean off they ended up being totally nice. Then I was invited to a party through their family. We dressed when I got there there was a tall guy with black hair blue/green eyes ( 6 foot 3 or 4) wearing a nice shirt. I got inside the house and then I saw him and his friends shapeshift into dogs and run into the woods then they came back came over the edge of the porch that ran into the kitchen then they shapeshifted back there were like 10 of them each different dogs and each totally shapeshifting.